Prenatal Care offered by Public Health in Seattle & King County at Downtown Health Center in Belltown
Offers comprehensive obstetric care for pregnant women. Provides pre-delivery services, including regular physical exams and lab tests, prenatal screening and referral, and self-care. Other services include post-partum follow-up services. Services provided by family medicine doctors.
Physical Address
2124 4th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121
M-F, 8am-5pm.
Application process
Call for an appointment.
Offers sliding scale fees for those who are uninsured. Accepts Medicare, WA Apple Health (Medicaid) and private insurance.
Low-income, pregnant women.
Interpreter services
Service area
King, WA
Agency info
Public Health in Seattle & King County's Public Health Centers
Provides health care services to low income King County residents through a network of public health centers and clinics.