Inpatient / Outpatient Services offered by Trios Health at Trios Southridge Hospital
Operates a full-service inpatient and outpatient medical center with a 24-hour emergency room, diagnostic imaging, emergency and trauma services, family birthing center, gastroenterology, general cardiology, infusion services, internal medicine, nephrology, oncology and hematology (cancer clinic), pediatrics, podiatry, pulmonary function testing, and general surgery services.
Emergency Room CareChildhood ImmunizationNephrologyDelivery/ChildbirthHematologyWell Baby CareCardiovascular MedicineOutpatient SurgeryIntravenous MedicationAmbulatory PediatricsDiagnostic Imaging/RadiologyGeneral Medical CareTrauma CentersGeneral Acute Care HospitalsGastroenterologyAsthma ClinicsPodiatry/Foot CareCancer ClinicsGeneral SurgeryMedical OncologyAdolescent MedicinePulmonary Disease Specialty
Physical Address
3810 Plaza Way, Kennewick, WA 99338
24 hours daily.
Application process
Call for an appointment or visit in person for emergencies.
Accepts WA Apple Health (Medicaid), Medicare, private insurance, and private pay.
No restrictions.
Service area
Benton, WA Franklin, WA
Agency info
Trios Health
Provides skilled medical services.