
Assistance Program offered at Pierce County Human Services Veterans Services

Provides emergency assistance with food, rent and utilities to qualified, indigent veterans and family members. Funding for rental and utility assistance is typically available at the beginning of the month. Limited assistance with medical/dental and other miscellaneous services is also available on an emergency need basis. Helps a veteran with their prescriptions once a year. Also provides burial assistance for a veteran, their spouse, or a dependent child under the age of 18. Service Officers available by appointment to help veterans submit disability/benefit claims. Help is provided once a year for two years, then the veteran has to wait a year before they can get help again (ex: a veteran got help in 2020 and 2021, had to wait out 2022 then could get help again in 2023).

Physical Address

3602 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98418


M-F, 8am-4:30pm.

Application process

Call for a phone interview and appointment time before visiting the office.  




Must be a current resident of Pierce County for previous 3 months. Must be low income. Veteran must show an original copy of his or her discharge papers and proof of ID.

Service area

Pierce, WA

Agency info

Pierce County Veterans Services

Provides short-term and limited emergency assistance which includes food, rent, utilities, medical and burial services to veterans. Must be a veteran, meet the financial guidelines for low income, and a resident of Pierce County for the prior 3 months. All veterans should call for phone interviews and appointment before coming into the office for services.

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