Emergency Assistance Vouchers offered at St Vincent de Paul - East Jefferson County
Assistance with emergency, temporary, or short term needs. Assistance provided is **never** given in cash, but may be given as vouchers or as checks mailed directly to a landlord or utility company. May also provide a voucher to the few camp grounds that will accept a St. Vincent de Paul voucher. Does not offer a food pantry.
Physical Address
Voicemail only.
Application process
Clients leave a message. Calls are returned by volunteers who will try to schedule a face-to-face meeting to assess need and decide on appropriate assistance.
Must be a Jefferson County resident.
Service area
Jefferson, WA
Agency info
St Vincent de Paul - East Jefferson County
Volunteers respond to messages left by persons in need. There is no office. St Vincent de Paul works closely with a number of agencies and partners including Olympic Community Action Programs for assistance with food, clothing, shelter, rent, utilities, medical expenses and transportation.