Pregnancy and Parenting Support offered at Mother and Child Education Center
Pregnancy supplies include pre-natal vitamins, morning sickness kits, pregnancy pillows, maternity clothing, and pregnancy and parenting books. Staff are available to meet with clients to answer pregnancy and parenting questions or provide referrals to other programs.
Physical Address
1515 NE 41st Avenue, Portland, OR 97232
Help line: 7 days per week. In person: M-Th, 10am-5pm F, 10am-3pm.
Application process
Call for an appointment.
Parenting classes offered for children up to age of 2.
Service area
Clark, WA OR
Agency info
Mother and Child Education Center
Provides a 24-hour pregnancy/parenting helpline, as well as classes, workshops, mentoring, resources, and supplies such as emergency diapers and clothing.