Focus Population
Age Group
1-25 of 158
Offers aid to prevent or end homelessness as determined to fit the needs of the applicant.
A broad continuum of housing programs through the housing resource center which provide rental assistance and counseling to at-risk or homeless families seeking permanent, stable housing.
Rent Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Gift Card Donation Programs
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Education Volunteer Opportunities
Home Rental Listings
Provides a short-term housing intervention program for low-income veterans and their families experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of becoming homeless.
Provides a short-term housing intervention program for low-income veterans and their families experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Veterans and their families can be assisted with housing through case management, pending eligibility. If eligible, assistance and support may include move-in/rental assistance, eviction prevention, benefits support, employment and education services, legal aid around housing barriers, and other expenses that may support stable housing. Must be willing to work with a caseworker. May require clients to be alcohol- and drug-free. Assistance in any of these programs depends on availability of funds.
Case/Care Management
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Case/Care Management
Water Service Payment Assistance
TANF Applications
Rental Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
State Disability Insurance Applications
Electric Service Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Provides support services for veterans and their families with obtaining documentation of veteran status; eviction prevention; finding housing; security benefits; navigating healthcare; Recovery Coach Program; community referrals; hygiene packs; and emergency services, such as gas or motel vouchers, license renewals, and prescription expenses.
Provides support services for veterans and their families in the Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Kittitas, and Okanogan Counties. Services include rapid rehousing; homelessness prevention; and support in obtaining benefits, such as counseling, employment and training, educational assistance, and health care services.
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Individual Advocacy
Driver License Fee Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Veteran Life Insurance
Housing Search Assistance
Gas Money
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Provides one-time emergency grants up to $250 to wounded, ill or injured honorably discharged servicemembers or their caregivers for assistance with basic needs such as food, utilities, housing and clothing. Case manager must submit request.
Provides one-time emergency grants up to $250 to post 9/11 wounded servicemembers or their caregivers for assistance with basic needs.
Grant money is paid directly to the person owed the debt such as a landlord or utility company whenever possible.
Examples of small grants include food, utilities, housing, clothing, health expenses, assistance with child care, vehicle repairs & other routine household expenses, home & vehicle adaption, funeral expenses, adaptive equipment, moving assistance, travel, etc.
Clothing Vouchers
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Child Care Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Assistive Technology Equipment Acquisition Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Service Cost Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Food Vouchers
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
TANF Applications
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
State Disability Insurance Applications
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Water Service Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Assists families and individuals with an ongoing housing program to prevent homelessness. Services may include rental assistance, eviction prevention, HEN, and limited permanent supported housing services. Toiletries available only for HEN clients.
Provides various housing programs for families and individuals living in Asotin County. Offers Coordinated Entry, Homeless Diversion, and Housing and Essential Needs (HEN).
- Coordinated entry is a process developed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access and are quickly identified, assessed for, referred, and connected to housing and assistance based on their strengths and needs.
- Diversion is a fast paced, short-term case management program that can assist the individual/household(s) with solving problems and barriers by utilizing the existing strengths and resources of the individual/household(s). We can assist with limited flexible funding, based on eligibility, in order to assist the individual/household with obtaining permanent housing which can include relocation and other activities that support obtaining permanent.
- Housing and Essential Needs Grant Funds can only be used to support HEN eligible clients that qualify as homeless or at-risk of homelessness. Allowable financial assistance for housing may include monthly rent, overdue rent, security deposit, and service animal deposits. Utilities assistance is limited to electricity, natural gas, sewer, water, garbage, and utility deposits. Essential Needs assistance includes help with obtaining personal health and hygiene items (such as toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper), cleaning supplies (such as laundry and dish soap), and bus passes. Assistance cannot be provided through gift cards, vouchers, or certificates. All HEN clients are eligible to receive essential needs assistance.
Trash/Recycling Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Cleaning Products
Rental Deposit Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Local Transit Passes
Rent Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Homeless Diversion Programs
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Case/Care Management
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
TANF Applications
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Provides rapid re-housing for homeless veteran families and single adults. Works with clients to help them find housing.
Provides move-in assistance for veteran families and single adults. Works with clients to help them find sustainable housing.
Case managers are able to complete assessments in the community.
Case/Care Management
Rental Deposit Assistance
Offers a rental deposit program for Island County residents at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Offers a rental deposit program for Island County residents at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level. Priority to households who are homeless at the time of application.
Rental Deposit Assistance
Provides deposit, rental and utility assistance to individuals with serious mental illness.
The program can help with deposits, utilities, and rent. The program can also help with move in expenses, such as purchasing a bed, household supplies, and other essentials. Staff also conducts a pre-move in inspection and an annual inspection to ensure that the unit is a safe and functional unit for habitation.
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Provides emergency financial assistance for various needs, including rent, move-in (first month's rent only), utilities, food, transportation, medical costs, etc. Provides a mobile shower unit. Serves VASHON ISLAND ONLY.
Provides emergency financial assistance for various needs, such as:
- Rent
- Move-in (first month's rent only)
- Utilities
- Food
- Transportation (bus and/or ferry)
- Laundry (provides coins for nearby laundromat Tu, 1-2pm)
- Medical costs
- Showers (at the church Th, 6-7pm)
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Rent Payment Assistance
Food Vouchers
Public Showers/Baths
Water Service Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Laundry Vouchers
Rental Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Case/Care Management
TANF Applications
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
State Disability Insurance Applications
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Provides utility and rent assistance and limited help with move-in costs for residents of ZIP codes 98125, 98133, 98155, 98177.**NOTICE REQUIRED**
Provides rent assistance, move-in costs, and utility assistance for residents with shut-off notices through North Helpline's Homelessness Prevention Program.
Funds of up to $600 are available twice in any 12-month period.
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
TANF Applications
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Case/Care Management
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Rental Deposit Assistance
Provides affordable rental-housing program for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Also offers sweat-equity, home ownership down payment grants, financial independence programs, and deposit assistance.
Provides affordable rental-housing program for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Also offers sweat-equity, home ownership down payment grants, financial independence programs, and deposit assistance.
Housing Authorities
Housing Down Payment Loans/Grants
Sweat Equity Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Home Rental Listings
Provides HEN eligible clients with basic assistance, including toiletries, toothpaste, shampoo, laundry/dish soap, and bus passes. Financial assistance may include rent, utilities, and move-in assistance, if funding is available. Must apply at the DSHS first; once qualified, call Northwest Community Action Center.
Housing Grant Funds: grant funds can only be used to support HEN eligible clients that qualify as homeless or at-risk of homelessness. Allowable financial assistance for housing may include monthly rent, overdue rent, security deposit, and service animal deposits. Utilities assistance is limited to electricity, natural gas, sewer, water, garbage, and utility deposits.
Essential Needs: assistance includes help with obtaining personal health and hygiene items (such as toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper), cleaning supplies (such as laundry and dish soap), and bus passes. Assistance cannot be provided through gift cards, vouchers, or certificates. All HEN clients are eligible to receive essential needs assistance.
Rental Deposit Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Trash/Recycling Service Payment Assistance
Cleaning Products
Laundry Products
Local Transit Passes
Provides HEN eligible clients with basic assistance, including toiletries, toothpaste, shampoo, laundry/dish soap, and bus passes. Financial assistance may include rent, utilities, and move-in assistance, if funding is available. Must apply at the DSHS first; once qualified, call Chelan Douglas Community Action Council.
Housing and Essential Needs Grant Funds Grant funds can only be used to support HEN eligible clients that qualify as homeless or at-risk of homelessness. Allowable financial assistance for housing may include monthly rent, overdue rent, security deposit, and service animal deposits. Utilities assistance is limited to electricity, natural gas, sewer, water, garbage, and utility deposits. Essential Needs assistance includes help with obtaining personal health and hygiene items (such as toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper), cleaning supplies (such as laundry and dish soap), and bus passes. Assistance cannot be provided through gift cards, vouchers, or certificates. All HEN clients are eligible to receive essential needs assistance.
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Local Transit Passes
Cleaning Products
Rental Deposit Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Trash/Recycling Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Offers financial help with rent, water, and electric when funding is available.
This community charity will try to help with rent and utility bills.
Rent Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Helps low-income individuals and families obtain a more nutritious diet by supplementing their income with Basic Food benefits. Monthly benefit amounts vary based on the number of people living in the household, income, and living expenses such as rent, mortgage, utilities, childcare and child support.
Provides an ATM/debit-like card used to access food benefits to eligible low-income households.
Food Stamp guidelines are as follows:
1. Exempt goods that may not be purchased with food stamps:
- Cigarettes
- Pet food
- Non-edible household items
- Alcoholic beverages
- Food purchased at a restaurant
2. Time limits: Benefits do not expire and may be used at any time.
3. Expedited service: Households defined as destitute and having little net monthly income or resources may be eligible for expedited service, i.e. they may be able to pick up their benefits no later than the fifth day following application if they are eligible for benefits.
Disaster Food Benefits:
DSHS can replace EBT benefits for recipients of Washington's Basic Food program if food was lost due to a declared disaster.
For DSHS to replace the benefits, the customer must report the loss within 10 days from the date the loss occurred. DSHS will replace the value of the amount of food lost in the disaster, up to the total amount of the customer's monthly allotment of Basic Food.
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Rental Deposit Assistance
TANF Applications
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
State Disability Insurance Applications
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Provides limited help with eviction prevention, move-in, utilities and other basic needs for Shoreline residents ONLY (N of 145th); organization encourages spiritual involvement. Must make an appointment for assistance.
Provides limited financial assistance for rent, move-in costs and utilities,
May have limited assistance for bus tickets.
CANNOT assist with:
- ID
- motel vouchers
$ 250 max per request.
Funds are sent directly to the landlord or utility company.
Volunteers conduct an interview to determine need.
Participation in a local church not required to receive help.
Clients may receive assistance once every 12 months.
Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Offers aid to prevent or end homelessness as determined to fit the needs of the applicant.
A broad continuum of housing programs through the housing resource center which provide rental assistance and counseling to at-risk or homeless families seeking permanent, stable housing.
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Education Volunteer Opportunities
Rental Deposit Assistance
Gift Card Donation Programs
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Home Rental Listings
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rent Payment Assistance
Coordinates resource centers where people experiencing homelessness can get help finding housing and other resources. Places clients in housing programs based on need and availability. Drop-in only. Serves veterans only.
Operates a resource center where people experiencing homelessness can get help finding housing and other resources.
Schedules and conducts CEA assessments for possible housing referrals to programs such as Rapid Rehousing, Transitional Housing, Permanent Housing, and Permanent Supportive Housing.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rental Deposit Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Gas Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
TANF Applications
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Provides wraparound financial support to adults who are deemed incapacitated by DSHS and have no income or are enrolled in ABD. May assist with rent, move-in, utilities, hygiene supplies and transportation costs.
Provides wraparound financial support to adults who are deemed incapacitated by DSHS and have no income or are enrolled in ABD. May assist with rent, move-in, utilities, hygiene supplies and transportation costs. Provides the following for individuals approved by DSHS: Transportation Assistance (gas card or bus pass) Essential Needs (hygienic and cleaning supplies once per month) Ongoing Rent/Utility Assistance (most housing situations qualify) Limited Rental/Utility Assistance (as funds are available) Limited Move in Cost Assistance (as funds are available) Housing Search Assistance for those experiencing homelessness Employment Counseling Payments are processed to landlords and/or utility companies on behalf of program participants. HEN can only guarantee monthly payments 90 days at a time.
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Bus Fare
Rent Payment Assistance
Laundry Products
Rental Deposit Assistance
Trash/Recycling Service Payment Assistance