Focus Population
Age Group
1-5 of 5
MUST BE HOMELESS - Provides transitional housing and deposit/first month's rent for homeless, permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless & disabled.
Provides transitional housing (up to 2 years) for homeless individuals/families and permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless & disabled individuals. Clients receive case management services in clean and sober environment, participate in self-sufficiency skill development. Housing is available in both the Upper and Lower Yakima Valley. Provides move-in assistance and homeless prevention.
Programs include:
- Move-in Assistance & Homeless Prevention: provides rent assistance for those who are 3 months behind. Assists with move-in costs, such as deposit and first month rent.
- Coordinated Entry for homeless individuals and families seeking housing solutions.
- Homeless Resource Center: staff work closely with clients who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to help with safe shelter, transportation, household items and hygiene items. Sometimes rental or utility assistance and many other services that are needed will be provided. Clients are screened for eligibility.
- Transitional and Permanent Supportive Housing: YNHS manages several housing units and works with many landlords in Yakima County to provide housing for individuals and families.
- Street Outreach: Outreach team (nurses, behavioral health specialists, outreach and housing specialists) use the easily identifiable YNHS Outreach van to visit local shelters and other places where homeless might be, hoping to engage individuals and offer services.
- Helps with motel vouchers when funding permits.
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Homeless Diversion Programs
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Centralized access point for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to connect to the programs and services they need. Services include shelter placement and housing/safe parking programs.
Provides telephone and/or in-person screening and assessment for households who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Telephone screenings are provided for emergency shelter (men's, women's, couples, and families) and winter shelter, including severe weather sites and homeless safe parking programs. Households are assessed for eligibility for rental assistance/housing programs (prevention, rapid re-housing, transitional, and permanent supportive), as well as diversion programs. Funding is limited and assistance is not guaranteed.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Street Outreach Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Homeless Safe Parking Programs
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rent Payment Assistance
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Community Shelters
Offers three housing programs to assist individuals who are homeless or about to be homeless, as well as limited rental assistance for those who have an eviction notice.
Offers three housing programs to assist individuals who are homeless or about to be homeless, as well as limited rental assistance for those who have an eviction notice.
1. Shelter: Offers a 3-30 day stay in a 5-room facility for homeless individuals and families. Each household has a private room but shares the kitchen, living area, and restrooms with the other residents. Case management services are available during shelter stay.
2. Supportive Housing: Two year housing and case management services for adults with disabilities.
3. Also offers limited rental assistance to households facing eviction.
Goldendale Shelter and Transitions Program offers:
- Shelter: For homeless individuals or families who have an attachment to Goldendale, a 1-3 day motel voucher can be provided as temporary crisis intervention.
- Transitional Housing: Similar to the Guided Path Program, Goldendale's scattered site transitional housing program offers intense case management for families with minor children.
- Rental Assistance: Limited funds are available to help households that are in danger of being evicted for not paying their rent.
Skamania County Homeless Housing Program offers:
- Shelter: the Skamania County Shelter offers a 3 to 30 day stay in a five bedroom facility. Case management services are available while at the Shelter.
- Transitional Housing: Similar to the programs at Guided Path and Goldendale, the Skamania County program provides 2 years of residential stability, individualized plans and goals, and case management.
- Rental Assistance: Limited funds are available to help households that are in danger of being evicted for not paying their rent.
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides permanent housing with case management for low-income adults and families.
Francis Place - Provides 42 units of housing with supportive services for formerly homeless adults in downtown Bellingham. Applications for Francis Place are through a referral through the Whatcom Homeless Service Center. Please contact Whatcom Homeless Service Center at (360) 255-2091 for more information. Kateri Court - Offers 40 units of studio and one-bedroom apartments in Bellingham for low-income households at or below 50% of the area median income. Eight of the units are set aside for homeless parents with children, and eight units are set aside for persons with disabilities. For more information call (360) 671-1077. Mount Baker Apartments - Provides 84 units of affordable housing in downtown Bellingham for low-income households at or below 50% or 60% of the area median income. Thirteen units are set aside for persons with disabilities. For current information, call (360) 738-7190. Villa Santa Fe - Provides 50 units of housing for farmworkers and their families in Bellingham. For current information call (360) 594-6495. Washington Grocery Building - Provides 36 units of affordable housing in downtown Bellingham low-income households at or below 50% of the area median income with 8 units set aside for persons with disabilities. For current information, call (360) 671-1077.
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Provides transitional housing and deposit/first month's rent for homeless, permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless & disabled, and rent assistance for those that are 3 months behind or have an eviction notice. Helps with motel vouchers when funding permits.
Provides transitional housing (up to 2 years) for homeless individuals/families and permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless & disabled individuals. Clients receive case management services in clean and sober environment, participate in self-sufficiency skill development. Housing is available in both the Upper and Lower Yakima Valley. Provides move-in assistance and homeless prevention.
Programs include:
- Move-in Assistance & Homeless Prevention: provides rent assistance for those who are 3 months behind. Assists with move-in costs, such as deposit and first month rent.
- Coordinated Entry for homeless individuals and families seeking housing solutions.
- Homeless Resource Center: staff work closely with clients who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to help with safe shelter, transportation, household items and hygiene items. Sometimes rental or utility assistance and many other services that are needed will be provided. Clients are screened for eligibility.
- Transitional and Permanent Supportive Housing: YNHS manages several housing units and works with many landlords in Yakima County to provide housing for individuals and families.
- Street Outreach: Outreach team (nurses, behavioral health specialists, outreach and housing specialists) use the easily identifiable YNHS Outreach van to visit local shelters and other places where homeless might be, hoping to engage individuals and offer services.
- Helps with motel vouchers when funding permits.
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Homeless Diversion Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Family Permanent Supportive Housing