Focus Population
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Provides basic emergency assistance for low-income individuals and families in addition to information and referral for the community. ONLY serves Cheney school district excluding Airway Heights. Language assistance available through google translate.
Provides basic emergency assistance for low-income individuals and families such as rent assistance, utility assistance, prescription assistance, school supplies and hygiene needs, scholarships for parks and rec activities in addition to information and referral for the community. Also provides transportation assistance for work or appointments by offering bus passes, gas vouchers, insurance assistance, tabs, and repair on vehicles. ONLY serves Cheney School District excluding Airway Heights.
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Automobile Insurance Payment Assistance
Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial counseling and grants among junior active duty enlisted members and recently discharged enlisted Veterans and their families facing financial crisis.
Provides financial counseling and may help with a grant to cover critical needs for qualifying military households.
Grants provided but not limited to:
- Bereavement Travel
- Car Insurance
- Critical baby items( cribs, car seats, diapers etc)
- Major car repairs
- Medical Travel
- Rent/Utilities
- Sewer service
- Service Dog Care
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Personal Financial Counseling
Dental Care Expense Assistance
Food Vouchers
Water Service Payment Assistance
Automobile Insurance Payment Assistance
Automobile Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance