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Provides payment assistance with utilities, rent, laundry, transportation, and other basic needs.


Gas Money
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
General Clothing Provision
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Laundry Vouchers
Pays for and arranges non-emergency transportation to Medicaid-covered services for Snohomish County residents only; call in advance for reservations, bus passes or reimbursement.


Disability Related Transportation
Bus Fare
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Gas Money
MUST BE LEGALLY AUTHORIZED TO WORK IN THE US - Provides job training and job search assistance for unemployed farm workers, as well as financial assistance for rent, toiletries, and gas funds for work or job search.


Personal/Grooming Supplies
Rent Payment Assistance
Job Retraining
Gas Money
MUST BE LEGALLY AUTHORIZED TO WORK IN THE US - Provides job training and job search assistance for unemployed farm workers, as well as financial assistance for rent, toiletries, and gas funds for work or job search.


Personal/Grooming Supplies
Gas Money
Rent Payment Assistance
Job Retraining
Provides emergency financial assistance for honorably discharged veterans, veterans' widows, and qualified dependents.


Gas Money
Dental Care Referrals
Bus Fare
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Provides emergency assistance for Cascade School District residents with the following: rent, utility shut-off prevention (water & power only), gas vouchers, bus tokens, or bus passes, and emergency shelter referrals.


Local Transit Passes
Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Assists low-income VETERANS with emergency assistance with food, gas, rent, utilities, transportation, and other needs a veteran may have (make sure to reach eligibility requirements).


Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
General Paratransit/Community Ride Programs
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Water Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Food Pantries
Rent Payment Assistance
Helps victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or a crime with rent assistance, transportation, prescription medication, lodging, food, and information and referral.


Rent Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Transportation for Endangered People
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Gas Money
Provides emergency financial assistance and information and referral for eligible veterans.


Prescription Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Gas Money
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Dental Care Referrals
A community resource center that provides basic needs and information for human and health services.


Public Internet Access Sites
Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers
Camping Gear
Hair and Nail Care
General Clothing Provision
Bus Fare
Local Transit Passes
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Gas Money
Telephone Facilities
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Provides bedding, sleeping bags, and no-cook food. Also provides referrals to other agencies in the area who have a potential to assist with other needs. Does not help with rent. May be able to provide gas cards for work commute or doctor's appointments depending on funding. ID required. May sometimes be able to help with a utility (water, sewage, garbage, or electric) bill once a calendar year thru a partnership with Salvation Army. ID and shut off notice required. May be able to fill a propane can once a calendar year. Own propane can required.
Provides gas vouchers, food vouchers or laundry vouchers for those in need who qualify through out intake office.


Food Vouchers
Gas Money
Laundry Vouchers
Provides help with removing barriers for young adults ages 13-21 in state-recognized apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs who have experienced foster care or homelessness.


Work Clothing
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Driver License Fee Payment Assistance
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Rent Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Work Related Fee Payment Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Provides basic emergency assistance for low-income individuals and families in addition to information and referral for the community. ONLY serves Cheney school district excluding Airway Heights. Language assistance available through google translate.


Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Payment Assistance
Automobile Insurance Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Bus Fare
Prescription Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Offers limited rental and utility assistance, and gas vouchers for emergency transportation on a first come, first served basis.


Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Provides emergency rent, utility, gas vouchers and other forms of assistance to residents living in the following zip codes: 98329, 98332, 98335, 98349, 98351, 98394.


Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides assistance to Benton and Franklin County Veterans, their families, and the families of deceased Veterans, who meet the eligibility criteria for assistance.


Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Dental Care Expense Assistance
Local Transit Passes
Rent Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Child Care Expense Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Rental Application Fee Payment Assistance
Criminal Background Check Fee Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Food Vouchers
Water Service Payment Assistance
Limited assistance with gasoline, propane and heating fuel vouchers for individuals and families in need.
Assist with filing for VA disability and benefits. As well, by providing financial cash grants. Grants are for needs such as: food, rent, utilities, transportation, medical expenses, burial/cremation, home/appliance/auto repairs, and clothing.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Moving Services
Water Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Academic Records Fee Payment Assistance
Armed Forces Emergency Services
Rent Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Social Services for Military Personnel
Benefits Screening
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Gas Money
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance for rent, electric/heat, water/sewer and gasoline, emergency food and hygiene supplies. Assistance to be determined upon scheduled intake. Service area: South of Glass Ave, North of Indiana, East of C Street, West of Washington Street.


Gas Money
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Offers gasoline vouchers for Kent School District residents. Call for appointment, must have valid driver's license. ONLY serves families with children, people with disabilities, homeless individuals and seniors.
Offers assistance with basic needs, utilities, rent, prescription medication, and other expenses on a case-by-case basis.


Prescription Expense Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Clothing Vouchers
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
General Furniture Provision
Gas Money
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Food Vouchers
Provides cards to purchase gas.
Provides assistance with bus fare, gas cards, and a clothing bank. No financial assistance for rent or utilities.


Household Goods Vouchers
Bus Fare
Gas Money
Clothing Vouchers
Works through third party companies to provide professional house cleaning, gas cards, grocery cards and child care services to families with children being treated for pediatric cancer in Washington state.


Housekeeping Assistance
Food Vouchers
Child Care Expense Assistance
Gas Money

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