Focus Population
Age Group
1-25 of 42
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Pap Tests
Adolescent Medicine
Women's Health Centers
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Diabetes Screening
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources.
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources. Has staff to help clients or general public enroll in DSHS programs, and health insurance, both Washington Apple and the Health Care Exchange. Screens for Take Charge program which covers sexual/reproductive health related services including birth control, emergency contraception, sterilization for both men and women, and education and supplies for contraceptives, natural family planning and abstinence.
Breast Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Diabetes Screening
Tuberculosis Screening
Mental Health Screening
Well Baby Care
Community Clinics
Navigator Programs
HIV Testing
General Medical Care
Birth Control Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Physician Referrals
Childhood Immunization
Hepatitis Testing
Vaccine Information
Pap Tests
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Breast Examinations
Women's Health Centers
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Diabetes Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Adolescent Medicine
Pap Tests
Offers a wide range of services and programs for the elderly and disabled to help to maintain self-sufficiency and remain independent in their own homes.
Offers services and programs for the elderly and disabled to help to maintain self-sufficiency and remain independent in their homes. Volunteers visit and call homebound, elderly, and disabled individuals in the Entiat area to assure health and well-being. Helps seniors in Entiat with minor home repairs, installing locks, and handicap handrails (client must purchase repair items; labor is free). In addition, seniors are provided social activity, educational presentations, health and nutrition education, resources, workshops, and other classes during the month.
Other programs include FRESH, which provides seniors with fresh produce, fruit, and healthy foods to maintain a healthy, nutritional lifestyle; snow shoveling for elderly and disabled; SAIL, which is weekly exercise classes for seniors and disabled; transportation to medical appointments, and pharmacy; weekly meal delivery for homebound elderly or disabled; Busy Hands Quilting Circle (teaches and makes quilts for needy); and Adopt-a Senior, which provides Entiat seniors with gifts at Christmas from community donors.
Residential Snow Shoveling
Needlecraft Instruction
Senior Ride Programs
Walking Aids
Blood Pressure Screening
Physical Fitness
Housekeeping Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
General Yard Work
Diabetes Screening
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Friendly Visiting
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Pap Tests
Blood Pressure Screening
Adolescent Medicine
Diabetes Screening
Women's Health Centers
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Breast Examinations
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources.
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources. Has staff to help clients or general public enroll in DSHS programs, and health insurance, both Washington Apple and the Health Care Exchange. Screens for Take Charge program which covers sexual/reproductive health related services including birth control, emergency contraception, sterilization for both men and women, and education and supplies for contraceptives, natural family planning and abstinence.
Vaccine Information
Physician Referrals
Pap Tests
General Medical Care
Birth Control Counseling
Community Clinics
Breast Examinations
Well Baby Care
General Benefits Assistance
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
HIV Testing
Hepatitis Testing
Diabetes Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Navigator Programs
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screenings, and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screening (blood pressure, tuberculosis, diabetes), and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Vaccine Information
Prenatal Care
Urgent Care Centers
Childhood Immunization
General Medical Care
Diabetes Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Well Baby Care
Tuberculosis Screening
Community Clinics
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Diabetes Screening
Pap Tests
Blood Pressure Screening
Women's Health Centers
Adolescent Medicine
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Breast Examinations
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screenings, and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screening (blood pressure, tuberculosis, diabetes), and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Well Baby Care
Urgent Care Centers
General Medical Care
Vaccine Information
Childhood Immunization
Community Clinics
Blood Pressure Screening
Prenatal Care
Tuberculosis Screening
Diabetes Screening
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screenings, and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screening (blood pressure, tuberculosis, diabetes), and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Urgent Care Centers
Vaccine Information
Blood Pressure Screening
Tuberculosis Screening
Childhood Immunization
Community Clinics
Diabetes Screening
Prenatal Care
Well Baby Care
General Medical Care
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Diabetes Screening
Women's Health Centers
Breast Examinations
Adolescent Medicine
Pap Tests
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Blood Pressure Screening
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Adolescent Medicine
Diabetes Screening
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Pap Tests
Women's Health Centers
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screenings, and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screening (blood pressure, tuberculosis, diabetes), and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Tuberculosis Screening
Prenatal Care
Diabetes Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Urgent Care Centers
Vaccine Information
Childhood Immunization
Community Clinics
Well Baby Care
General Medical Care
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Pap Tests
Diabetes Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Breast Examinations
Women's Health Centers
Adolescent Medicine
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Blood Pressure Screening
Diabetes Screening
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Adolescent Medicine
Pap Tests
Women's Health Centers
Breast Examinations
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screenings, and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Provides primary medical care, treatment and management of chronic diseases, urgent care, preventative health care, immunizations, prenatal and well baby care, screening (blood pressure, tuberculosis, diabetes), and referrals for specialty and hospital services.
Childhood Immunization
Prenatal Care
Well Baby Care
Community Clinics
Vaccine Information
Tuberculosis Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Diabetes Screening
General Medical Care
Urgent Care Centers
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Pap Tests
Diabetes Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Breast Examinations
Women's Health Centers
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Adolescent Medicine
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Pap Tests
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Women's Health Centers
Diabetes Screening
Adolescent Medicine
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources.
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources. Has staff to help clients or general public enroll in DSHS programs, and health insurance, both Washington Apple and the Health Care Exchange. Screens for Take Charge program which covers sexual/reproductive health related services including birth control, emergency contraception, sterilization for both men and women, and education and supplies for contraceptives, natural family planning and abstinence.
Diabetes Screening
Hepatitis Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Birth Control Counseling
General Medical Care
Vaccine Information
Well Baby Care
Pap Tests
Physician Referrals
General Benefits Assistance
Navigator Programs
Breast Examinations
HIV Testing
Community Clinics
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Blood Pressure Screening
Pap Tests
Breast Examinations
Adolescent Medicine
Diabetes Screening
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Women's Health Centers
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Diabetes Screening
Pap Tests
Women's Health Centers
Adolescent Medicine
Blood Pressure Screening
Breast Examinations
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Breast Examinations
Women's Health Centers
Blood Pressure Screening
Pap Tests
Diabetes Screening
Adolescent Medicine
Health Screenings offered by Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho in Walla Walla
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Women's Health Centers
Diabetes Screening
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Pap Tests
Adolescent Medicine
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Pap Tests
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Adolescent Medicine
Women's Health Centers
Diabetes Screening
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.
Provides preventative health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. Offers reproductive health services such as:
- Breast exams
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Fibroids evaluation
- Infertility education
- Urinary tract infection testing and treatment
- Vaginal infections testing and treatment.
Also provides vasectomies, as well as screenings for testicular cancer and colon cancer.
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Adolescent Medicine
Pap Tests
Diabetes Screening
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Women's Health Centers