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Offers early intervention services for families of children with special needs. Program includes speech, physical, cognitive, and ABA therapy, a feeding group for special needs, and a special needs early learning playgroup.
Offers early support services for families of children with disabilities, and assessments for children birth to 3 years of age that may have developmental concerns. Services can include Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Early Childhood Special Education, Social Worker, Infant Mental Health, ABA, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Registered Dietitian, and Family Resources Coordination. The Infant Toddler Program is certified by the State of Washington as the following: Neurodevelopmental Program by the Department of Health, Early Support Provider Agency by DCYF, Developmental Disabilities Center through DSHS, Holly Ridge Center is Early Support Services Provider Program for Kitsap County and part of North Mason County (North Mason School District area).
Therapeutic Camps
Case/Care Management
Pediatric Feeding Disorders Programs
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Autism Therapy
Offers early intervention services for families of children with special needs. Program includes speech, physical, cognitive, and ABA therapy, a feeding group for special needs, and a special needs early learning playgroup. Suite #200
Offers early support services for families of children with disabilities, and assessments for children birth to 3 years of age that may have developmental concerns. Services can include Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Early Childhood Special Education, Social Worker, Infant Mental Health, ABA, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Registered Dietitian, and Family Resources Coordination. The Infant Toddler Program is certified by the State of Washington as the following: Neurodevelopmental Program by the Department of Health, Early Support Provider Agency by DCYF, Developmental Disabilities Center through DSHS, Holly Ridge Center is Early Support Services Provider Program for Kitsap County and part of North Mason County (North Mason School District area).
Pediatric Feeding Disorders Programs
Therapeutic Camps
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Case/Care Management
Autism Therapy