Focus Population
Age Group
1-11 of 11
Helps East African refugees and immigrants access social services through multi-lingual and culturally appropriate information, advocacy and referrals to local resources.
Helps East African refugees access social services through multi-lingual and culturally appropriate information, advocacy and referrals to local resources. Provides individualized case management to clients seeking the most necessary of services.
Services provided include:
- Housing: Assistance with housing applications and shelter referrals including Section 8 & low-income housing applications
- Immigration services: Green Card applications and renewals, travel document applications & citizenship paperwork
- Utilities: Assistance with utility discount application
- Employment: Resume building and employment searches
- Assistance with DSHS benefits and WA Health Plan Finder applications
Job Search/Placement
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Immigrant Mutual Assistance Associations
Housing Search Assistance
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Prejob Guidance
Assists with a wide range of employment support services for youth ages 18-24, including resume building, cover letter writing, guided job search, life skills, mock interviews, completing applications, supplies, clothing, and employment-related fuel assistance/monthly bus passes.
Assists with a wide range of employment support services for youth ages 18-24, including resume building, cover letter writing, guided job search, life skills, mock interviews, completing applications, supplies, clothing, and employment-related fuel assistance/monthly bus passes.
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Gas Money
Work Related Fee Payment Assistance
Job Search/Placement
Work Clothing
Prejob Guidance
Provides job search & job placement assistance for people who are experiencing homelessness or who are unstably housed.
Provides job search & job placement assistance for people who are experiencing homelessness or who are unstably housed. Program includes a full range of individualized employment and support services needed to achieve self-sufficiency and stable housing.
Homeless Employment Programs
Prejob Guidance
Case/Care Management
Job Search/Placement
Provides peer coaching, support groups, employment support, housing support, and resource connections.
Offers multiple support, education, and socialization groups.
Peer coaches empower people to achieve a solid recovery foundation and achieve life goals. Peer coaches support individuals in recovery from:
- Addiction Issues (chemical/behavioral)
- Mental Health Challenges (short/long term diagnosis, grief & loss)
- Chronic Illness (HIV/Hep C – Newly Dealing/Newly Diagnosed)
Peer coaches are individually matched with people seeking support in their recovery. The matched pair meets for one hour per week for 26 weeks.
Coaches are individuals in recovery who have reached long-term stability.
Peer Employment Connections
Offers weekly peer support groups that support participants to address fears and barriers about returning to work or work through obstacles they are encountering in their job.
Offers vocational assessments, job search tools, resume building, interview preparation, coaching, benefits planning, employment-related clothing and transportation support, and ongoing support for job retention.
Resource Connections
Offers individualized support to identify and access a range of community resources such as housing or medical care.
Participants meet one-to-one with a peer to help make the linkages to essential supports.
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
General Bereavement Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
LGBTQ Support Groups
Prejob Guidance
Life Coaching
Housing Search Assistance
Peer Support Services
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
WIOA Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Job Corps
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Welfare to Work Programs
Special Needs Job Development
On the Job Training
Career Counseling
Public Access Computers/Tools
Case/Care Management
Professional Skills Development Support
Job Banks
Work Experience
Business Assistance Centers
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Prejob Guidance
Business Assistance Centers
Job Banks
Public Access Computers/Tools
Welfare to Work Programs
Work Experience
Job Search/Placement
WIOA Programs
On the Job Training
Case/Care Management
Career Counseling
Job Corps
Special Needs Job Development
Professional Skills Development Support
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Veteran Employment Programs
Provides stabilization assistance for single-parent families and pregnant women in imminent danger of becoming homeless. Provides rent assistance, employment services and housing case management.
Provides housing stabilization assistance for single-parent families and pregnant women who are in imminent danger of becoming homeless and who live in Maple Valley and cities within a nine-mile radius.
Provides the following services as the family grows to stability:
- Rent assistance
- Housing case management
- Employment services
- Financial budgeting
- Life skills classes
- Child and youth case management
- Counseling
Rent Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Personal Financial Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Housing Search Assistance
Provides peer coaching, support groups, employment support, housing support, and resource connections.
Offers multiple support, education, and socialization groups.
Peer coaches empower people to achieve a solid recovery foundation and achieve life goals. Peer coaches support individuals in recovery from:
- Addiction Issues (chemical/behavioral)
- Mental Health Challenges (short/long term diagnosis, grief & loss)
- Chronic Illness (HIV/Hep C – Newly Dealing/Newly Diagnosed)
Peer coaches are individually matched with people seeking support in their recovery. The matched pair meets for one hour per week for 26 weeks.
Coaches are individuals in recovery who have reached long-term stability.
Peer Employment Connections
Offers weekly peer support groups that support participants to address fears and barriers about returning to work or work through obstacles they are encountering in their job.
Offers vocational assessments, job search tools, resume building, interview preparation, coaching, benefits planning, employment-related clothing and transportation support, and ongoing support for job retention.
Resource Connections
Offers individualized support to identify and access a range of community resources such as housing or medical care.
Participants meet one-to-one with a peer to help make the linkages to essential supports.
General Bereavement Support Groups
Life Coaching
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
Peer Support Services
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Prejob Guidance
Housing Search Assistance
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
LGBTQ Support Groups
Peer Counseling
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Job Search/Placement
Job Corps
Public Access Computers/Tools
Case/Care Management
Business Assistance Centers
Special Needs Job Development
Job Banks
Work Experience
Welfare to Work Programs
On the Job Training
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Counseling
Professional Skills Development Support
Prejob Guidance
WIOA Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Case/Care Management
WIOA Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Special Needs Job Development
Professional Skills Development Support
Job Corps
On the Job Training
Job Banks
Welfare to Work Programs
Work Experience
Public Access Computers/Tools
Business Assistance Centers
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Job Corps
Work Experience
On the Job Training
Welfare to Work Programs
Special Needs Job Development
Veteran Employment Programs
WIOA Programs
Public Access Computers/Tools
Career Counseling
Case/Care Management
Business Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Job Banks
Professional Skills Development Support