Focus Population
Age Group
1-14 of 14
Provides peer coaching, support groups, employment support, and resource connections.
Offers multiple support, education, and socialization groups.
Peer coaches empower people to achieve a solid recovery foundation and achieve life goals. Peer coaches support individuals in recovery from:
- Addiction Issues (chemical/behavioral)
- Mental Health Challenges (short/long term diagnosis, grief & loss)
- Chronic Illness (HIV/Hep C – Newly Dealing/Newly Diagnosed)
Peer coaches are individually matched with people seeking support in their recovery. The matched pair meets for one hour per week for 26 weeks.
Coaches are individuals in recovery who have reached long-term stability.
Peer Employment Connections
Offers weekly peer support groups that support participants to address fears and barriers about returning to work or work through obstacles they are encountering in their job.
Offers vocational assessments, job search tools, resume building, interview preparation, coaching, benefits planning, employment-related clothing and transportation support, and ongoing support for job retention.
Resource Connections
Offers individualized support to identify and access a range of community resources such as housing or medical care.
Participants meet one-to-one with a peer to help make the linkages to essential supports.
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
Peer Support Services
Life Coaching
Peer Counseling
Certified Peer Specialists provide supportive services for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Certified Peer Specialists provide supportive services for people living with HIV/AIDS. Services assist clients with navigating the healthcare, mental healthcare, and drug/alcohol abuse recovery systems.
Peer Counseling
Peer Support Services
Provides peer coaching, support groups, employment support, housing support, and resource connections.
Offers multiple support, education, and socialization groups.
Peer coaches empower people to achieve a solid recovery foundation and achieve life goals. Peer coaches support individuals in recovery from:
- Addiction Issues (chemical/behavioral)
- Mental Health Challenges (short/long term diagnosis, grief & loss)
- Chronic Illness (HIV/Hep C – Newly Dealing/Newly Diagnosed)
Peer coaches are individually matched with people seeking support in their recovery. The matched pair meets for one hour per week for 26 weeks.
Coaches are individuals in recovery who have reached long-term stability.
Peer Employment Connections
Offers weekly peer support groups that support participants to address fears and barriers about returning to work or work through obstacles they are encountering in their job.
Offers vocational assessments, job search tools, resume building, interview preparation, coaching, benefits planning, employment-related clothing and transportation support, and ongoing support for job retention.
Resource Connections
Offers individualized support to identify and access a range of community resources such as housing or medical care.
Participants meet one-to-one with a peer to help make the linkages to essential supports.
Peer Counseling
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
LGBTQ Support Groups
Housing Search Assistance
Life Coaching
Prejob Guidance
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
General Bereavement Support Groups
Peer Support Services
Provides Community and Home-based outreach service which is designed to be short term community support for Pierce County residents who are transitions from inpatient services back into the community.
Provides Community and Home-based outreach service which is designed to be short term community support for Pierce County residents over 18 years of age.
Program provides services to individuals to support their recovery as they transition from inpatient services back into the community.
Psychiatric Resocialization
Peer Support Services
Provides peer coaching, support groups, employment support, supportive housing services, and resource connections to the greater Spokane community.
Offers multiple support, education, and socialization groups.
Peer coaches empower people to achieve a solid recovery foundation and achieve life goals. Peer coaches support individuals in recovery from:
- Addiction Issues (chemical/behavioral)
- Mental Health Challenges (short/long term diagnosis, grief & loss)
- Chronic Illness (HIV/Hep C – Newly Dealing/Newly Diagnosed)
Peer coaches are individually matched with people seeking support in their recovery. The matched pair meets for one hour per week for 26 weeks.
Coaches are individuals in recovery who have reached long-term stability.
Peer Employment Connections
Offers weekly peer support groups that support participants to address fears and barriers about returning to work or work through obstacles they are encountering in their job.
Offers vocational assessments, job search tools, resume building, interview preparation, coaching, benefits planning, employment-related clothing and transportation support, and ongoing support for job retention.
Resource Connections
Offers individualized support to identify and access a range of community resources such as housing or medical care.
Participants meet one-to-one with a peer to help make the linkages to essential supports.
LGBTQ Support Groups
Peer Counseling
Housing Search Assistance
General Bereavement Support Groups
Peer Support Services
Provides one on one peer support services.
Provides one on one peer support services.
A place for those overcoming addiction, trauma, and mental health challenges to come together. Provides peer to peer support, access to certified recovery coaches, employment opportunities and training, and recovery circles to build skills and community. New member orientations are held on the first Friday of every month. Member lunch offered Tu-F, at 12:05pm; latte hour offered Tu-Th, at 2pm, and F, at 1:30pm.
A place for those overcoming addiction, trauma, and mental health challenges to come together. Provides peer to peer support, access to certified recovery coaches, employment opportunities and training, and recovery circles to build skills and community. New member orientations are held on the first Friday of every month. Member lunch offered Tu-F, at 12:05pm; latte hour offered Tu-Th, at 2pm, and F, at 1:30pm.
Peer Support Services
Substance Use Disorder Peer Recovery Coach Services
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Coordinates a Seattle-based peer support program for HIV+ women and families. Offers one-on-one peer support, counseling, weekly support groups, informal support gatherings and annual retreats.
Coordinates a Seattle-based program for those who are HIV positive and their affected family members.
Services include:
- Opportunities for advocacy
- Peer support
- Health and safety information/programs
- Non-medical case management
- Education and outreach
- Information and referrals (in-person and via telephone)
- Weekly virtual and in-person support groups (2024 3rd Ave. Seattle, WA)
- Appointment and transportation partners
Peer Support Services
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Compartiendo Esperanza mental health workshops: providing a safe space for individuals to get the conversation started through dialogue, storytelling and guided discussion within the following topics: LGBTQ Gender and Sexuality, Sense of Belonging: Youth, Coping with Depression.
Esperanza offers a wide range of social and human services through Resource Navigators and Social Work Practice. A social service and wellness program that advances food security, family healing, mental health, and LGBTQ supports for adults, youth, and families.
LGBTQ Support Groups
Peer Support Services
Youth/Student Support Groups
Community Mental Health Agencies
Provides individual, group, and family therapy; as well as brief intervention treatment, rehabilitative case management, and crisis support services.
Provides individual, group, and family therapy; as well as brief intervention treatment, rehabilitative case management, and crisis support services.
Case/Care Management
General Counseling Services
Family Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Peer Support Services
Group Counseling
Provides individual, group, and family therapy; as well as brief intervention treatment, rehabilitative case management, and crisis support services.
Provides individual, group, and family therapy; as well as brief intervention treatment, rehabilitative case management, and crisis support services.
Group Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Family Counseling
Case/Care Management
Peer Support Services
General Counseling Services
Provides peer coaching, support groups, employment support, housing support, and resource connections.
Offers multiple support, education, and socialization groups.
Peer coaches empower people to achieve a solid recovery foundation and achieve life goals. Peer coaches support individuals in recovery from:
- Addiction Issues (chemical/behavioral)
- Mental Health Challenges (short/long term diagnosis, grief & loss)
- Chronic Illness (HIV/Hep C – Newly Dealing/Newly Diagnosed)
Peer coaches are individually matched with people seeking support in their recovery. The matched pair meets for one hour per week for 26 weeks.
Coaches are individuals in recovery who have reached long-term stability.
Peer Employment Connections
Offers weekly peer support groups that support participants to address fears and barriers about returning to work or work through obstacles they are encountering in their job.
Offers vocational assessments, job search tools, resume building, interview preparation, coaching, benefits planning, employment-related clothing and transportation support, and ongoing support for job retention.
Resource Connections
Offers individualized support to identify and access a range of community resources such as housing or medical care.
Participants meet one-to-one with a peer to help make the linkages to essential supports.
Life Coaching
Housing Search Assistance
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
Peer Support Services
General Bereavement Support Groups
Prejob Guidance
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
LGBTQ Support Groups
Offers services for women who have experienced domestic violence such as individual assessment and advocacy, counseling, life skill training and coaching, mentoring, book studies, workshops, assistance with education and employment, support groups, children’s programs, parenting training, communication and conflict resolution coaching, peer support, chiropractic care, karate classes, gym membership, and community engagement and activities.
Offers a trauma-informed, holistic approach to healing and building a new life. Women and children participate in a safe, affirming, and accountable community. Families are equipped and empowered with the time, space, resources, and support necessary to heal and develop thriving new lives. All participants receive encouragement and support from one another, the Rise staff, and volunteers at shared dinners and meetings.
Rise program services may include the following: individual assessment and advocacy, counseling, life skill training and coaching, mentoring, book studies, workshops, assistance with education and employment, support groups, children’s programs, parenting training, communication and conflict resolution coaching, peer support, community living at Sacha's House, chiropractic care, karate classes, gym membership, and community engagement and activities.
Job Search/Placement
Case/Care Management
Parenting Skills Classes
Conflict Resolution Training
Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence
Recreational Activities/Sports
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Peer Support Services
Adult Mentoring Programs
Bridgeview Resource Center is a community building that houses multiple services through partnering agencies, including housing, employment, financial management, food, educational, health, aging and disability, and crisis services.
Bridgeview Resource Center is a community building that houses multiple services through partnering agencies, including housing, employment, financial management, food, educational, health, aging and disability, and crisis services. The following agencies offer services on site: Vancouver Housing Authority, Council for the Homeless, WorkSource, Partners in Career, Goodwill Job Connections, Clark County Food Bank, Rivermark Community Credit Union, Save First Financial Wellness, Ways to Work, Columbia River Mental Health Services, The National Alliance on Mental Health, Free Clinic of Southwest Washington, Clark College, Educational Service District 112, Vancouver Public Schools, Evergreen Public Schools, Boys and Girls Club of Southwest Washington, Friends of the Children, Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities, and YWCA/SafeChoice.
Community Clinics
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Dental Hygiene
Wellness Programs
Automobile Loans
Cooking Classes
Peer Support Services
Recreational Activities/Sports
Financial Literacy Training
Physical Fitness
Child Transportation Programs