Focus Population
Age Group
1-25 of 48
Provides one-time financial assistance for individuals with disabilities that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Provides financial assistance for individuals with disabilities that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In accordance with the CARES Act, CWDR is able to provide one-time financial aid to individuals with disabilities in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding to be utilized as rental assistance, food assistance, medical payment/COVID testing fees, utility bills, phone bills, necessary transportation, or to secure PPE and cleaning supplies.
Also provides information and referral assistance in locating accessible housing assistive technology, social security information, transportation, communication access, service animals, and other topic commonly associated with disabilities.
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Food Vouchers
Rent Payment Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Housing Search Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Local Transit Passes
Provides non-residential, confidential, short-term advocacy, counseling, and housing support services to adult survivors of domestic violence.
Provides non-residential, confidential, short-term advocacy, counseling, and housing support services to adult survivors of domestic violence. Survivors of intimate partner violence who have experienced sexual violence within their relationship are eligible for services. Services available in Spanish.
Services include the following: short-term goal setting, safety planning, help in accessing community resources, short-term trauma-informed counseling, referrals to DV shelters and housing programs, housing search assistance, and limited financial assistance while funds last. This program does not provide emergency or crisis services.
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Human Trafficking Support Groups
Sexual Assault Counseling
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Crime Victim Safety Planning
Individual Advocacy
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Housing Search Assistance
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Medicaid benefit program that assists individuals find and maintain permanent housing and employment.
Medicaid benefit program that assists individuals find and maintain permanent housing and employment.
Housing Search Assistance
Case/Care Management
Job Search/Placement
Provides assistance with housing, rent and utilities, re-employment services, VA healthcare navigation, food, information and referral, and other support services. Connects veterans to community resources to help meet their needs.
Provides assistance with housing, rent and utilities, re-employment services, VA healthcare navigation, food, information and referral, and other support services. Connects veterans to community resources to help meet their needs.
Food Pantries
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Rental Deposit Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Housing Search Assistance
Veteran Support Groups
Provides drop-in support services for adult American Indians and Alaska Natives, including clothing, nursing, health care, mental health, cultural programming, housing case management and DSHS support. Operates as a cooling center during weather advisories.
Provides emergency drop-in support services for Native clients.
Services include the following:
- Advocacy/case management
- Emergency clothing
- Nursing services
- Assessment and referral to drug and alcohol treatment
- Cultural programming
- Applications and questions regarding DSHS benefits, as well as BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) benefits.
Also provides a place for clients to socialize, watch television, and participate in Native cultural activities. Offers Native arts and craft sessions weekly.
Operates as a cooling center during weather advisories.
Arts and Crafts Instruction
General Clothing Provision
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Ethnic Oriented Social Clubs
Homeless Drop In Centers
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Nurse Practitioner Clinics
Case/Care Management
General Benefits Assistance
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Native American General Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Provides support services for veterans and their families in the Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Kittitas, and Okanogan Counties.
Provides support services for veterans and their families in the Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Kittitas, and Okanogan Counties. Services include rapid rehousing; homelessness prevention; and support in obtaining benefits, such as counseling, employment and training, educational assistance, and health care services.
Rental Deposit Assistance
Case/Care Management
Housing Search Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Individual Advocacy
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides limited financial assistance and peer counseling services to achieve stable housing for individuals with mental health, substance abuse, or co-occuring disorders.
Provides limited financial assistance and peer counseling services to achieve stable housing for individuals with mental health, substance abuse, or co-occuring disorders. Peer counselors help provide guidance and assistance to obtain and maintain stable housing. Additionally peer counselors act as mentors to help empower, encourage responsibility, and promote active participation in recovery.
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Peer Counseling
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Offers substance use assessments and support through Foundational Community Supports.
Offers substance use assessments and support through Foundational Community Supports.
Drug and Alcohol Assessments
Assessments are offered in-person, through tele-health, and a mobile assessment.
Community Navigators
Provides Foundational Community Supports to those experiencing homelessness. Services can include providing navigation and support to help remove barriers around housing and employment.
Homeless Employment Programs
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Case/Care Management
Housing Search Assistance
Provides a safe shelter, support, and resources to empower survivors of domestic violence.
Provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, crisis 24-hour domestic hotline, legal advocacy, women's support groups, advocacy-based counseling, children's programs, and housing services for victims of domestic violence and their children.
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Cell Phone Donation Programs
Housing Search Assistance
Domestic Violence Shelters
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Individual Advocacy
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides day shelter to women, with or without children. Offers meals, showers, hygiene items, nursing services, telephone, mail and clothing. Operates as a cooling center during weather advisories.
Provides wrap around services to single women and those that identify as female, without children.
Provides meals, showers, restrooms, hygiene items, telephone, mail service, bus tickets and emergency clothing.
Showers and restrooms are ADA accessible.
Works to connect clients to shelter, housing, employment, support groups, treatment options, counseling, transportation, ESL classes and schools. Clients can set an appointment to meet with Housing Advocate for assistance with the following:
- Housing applications and organization of necessary paperwork
- Information and referral for short- and long-term housing options
- Current information on housing waiting lists
Operates as a cooling center during weather advisories.
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Drop In Centers
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Public Showers/Baths
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Laundry Facilities
Temporary Mailing Address
Soup Kitchens
Telephone Facilities
Nurse Practitioner Clinics
Public Restrooms
Case/Care Management
Job Search/Placement
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
General Clothing Provision
Offers benefits for supportive housing and supportive employment for Medicaid-eligible households with complex needs. Serves pregnant women, or women who are 2 months post partum and who have Apple Health.
Offers benefits for supportive housing and supportive employment for Medicaid-eligible households with complex needs.
Homeless Employment Programs
Case/Care Management
Housing Search Assistance
Provides transitional housing, shelter, and job search assistance for families with children who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Also helps locate affordable housing.
Provides a wide range of services to help families with children who are homeless or at risk of being homeless find stability. Helps families work towards their goals by locating resources, providing job and educational support, assisting with financial planning, and helping to locate affordable housing. Families who participate are put on a 90-day program and if further assistance is needed, families can receive After Service Care; however, average exit time is 60 days. Assists with the following: family shelter, budget courses, case management, parenting life skills, job search, and education support.
Specialized Information and Referral
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Shelters
Housing Search Assistance
Case managers help HIV/AIDS-affected individuals find housing and related resources.
Case managers help HIV/AIDS affected individuals find housing and related resources. Services include short-term and long-term housing search assistance, one-time emergency rental assistance for security deposits or to prevent evictions.
Tenant Readiness Education Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Coordinated Entry at the Housing Resource Center offers centralized intake, assessment, and coordination. The Housing Resource Center is the coordinated entry point for most housing services except the Night-By-Night shelter.
Coordinated Entry at the Housing Resource Center is a centralized intake, assessment and coordination point which determines appropriate level of assistance to stabilize housing and assist self-sufficiency. HRC tools include: rent assistance, security and utility deposits, background screening fees and other direct housing costs; referrals to site-based housing, housing voucher and other programs; linkages to life skills, financial literacy, and/or employability training and career-building services; plus referrals to partner entities.
Utility Deposit Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Community Shelters
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Housing Search Assistance
Provides peer coaching, support groups, employment support, supportive housing services, and resource connections to the greater Spokane community.
Offers multiple support, education, and socialization groups.
Peer coaches empower people to achieve a solid recovery foundation and achieve life goals. Peer coaches support individuals in recovery from:
- Addiction Issues (chemical/behavioral)
- Mental Health Challenges (short/long term diagnosis, grief & loss)
- Chronic Illness (HIV/Hep C – Newly Dealing/Newly Diagnosed)
Peer coaches are individually matched with people seeking support in their recovery. The matched pair meets for one hour per week for 26 weeks.
Coaches are individuals in recovery who have reached long-term stability.
Peer Employment Connections
Offers weekly peer support groups that support participants to address fears and barriers about returning to work or work through obstacles they are encountering in their job.
Offers vocational assessments, job search tools, resume building, interview preparation, coaching, benefits planning, employment-related clothing and transportation support, and ongoing support for job retention.
Resource Connections
Offers individualized support to identify and access a range of community resources such as housing or medical care.
Participants meet one-to-one with a peer to help make the linkages to essential supports.
Housing Search Assistance
LGBTQ Support Groups
Peer Counseling
General Bereavement Support Groups
Peer Support Services
Assists homeless veterans and their families with emergency, transitional, and permanent housing; as well as employment search assistance, applying for veteran benefits, and referrals to other agencies.
Assists homeless veterans and their families with emergency, transitional, and permanent housing; as well as employment search assistance, applying for veteran benefits, and referrals to other agencies.
Specialized Information and Referral
Housing Search Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Provides peer coaching, support groups, employment support, housing support, and resource connections.
Offers multiple support, education, and socialization groups.
Peer coaches empower people to achieve a solid recovery foundation and achieve life goals. Peer coaches support individuals in recovery from:
- Addiction Issues (chemical/behavioral)
- Mental Health Challenges (short/long term diagnosis, grief & loss)
- Chronic Illness (HIV/Hep C – Newly Dealing/Newly Diagnosed)
Peer coaches are individually matched with people seeking support in their recovery. The matched pair meets for one hour per week for 26 weeks.
Coaches are individuals in recovery who have reached long-term stability.
Peer Employment Connections
Offers weekly peer support groups that support participants to address fears and barriers about returning to work or work through obstacles they are encountering in their job.
Offers vocational assessments, job search tools, resume building, interview preparation, coaching, benefits planning, employment-related clothing and transportation support, and ongoing support for job retention.
Resource Connections
Offers individualized support to identify and access a range of community resources such as housing or medical care.
Participants meet one-to-one with a peer to help make the linkages to essential supports.
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Peer Support Services
Housing Search Assistance
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
LGBTQ Support Groups
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Life Coaching
General Bereavement Support Groups
Prejob Guidance
Peer Counseling
Provides case management housing and employment supports to get clients self-sufficient. Qualified clients will have to meet age, insurance, health and risk factor requirements. See program details for all the requirements.
Provides rental, utility, and move-in assistance to qualified clients seeking to maintain or acquire housing. Also provides supported employment services. Clients can choose to use both housing and employment services if qualified. Qualified clients will have to meet age, insurance, health and risk factor requirements.
Provides case management, housing, and employment support to get clients self-sufficient.
Services are available to those who are considered Domestic Violence clients who meet the other eligibility requirements.
Provides Literally Homeless/Street Outreach to connect to people where they are.
Supported Employment
Rental Deposit Assistance
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Helps East African refugees and immigrants access social services through multi-lingual and culturally appropriate information, advocacy and referrals to local resources.
Helps East African refugees access social services through multi-lingual and culturally appropriate information, advocacy and referrals to local resources. Provides individualized case management to clients seeking the most necessary of services.
Services provided include:
- Housing: Assistance with housing applications and shelter referrals including Section 8 & low-income housing applications
- Immigration services: Green Card applications and renewals, travel document applications & citizenship paperwork
- Utilities: Assistance with utility discount application
- Employment: Resume building and employment searches
- Assistance with DSHS benefits and WA Health Plan Finder applications
Case/Care Management
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Immigrant Mutual Assistance Associations
Specialized Information and Referral
Housing Search Assistance
Offers classes on various subjects including driving, ESL and computer literacy. Helps fill out citizenship forms as well as apply for state and local benefits. Assists with finding housing as well as employment.
System Navigation helps families and individuals navigate resources and applications at the local, state and federal level with spanish language access.
Bill Assistance Navigation: PSE Utility Discount Enrollment, SCL Utility Discount Enrollment
Housing: Mediation planning & Tenant Rights Workshops, Housing navigation & guidance
Government Programs: SNAP, DSHS, Disability, SSI, Unemployment
Translation/Interpretation support - Ie, Medical Charity Application, Records Request for Police Reports, Motor vehicle claim for damages (initial report only)
Transportation: Bus Tickets distribution (Adult & RRFP), ORCA Lift referral, Access KCM, Parking Permits, Disabled Parking Pass, Residential Disabled Request Form, Car registration FAQs
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Bus Fare
Job Search/Placement
Driving Safety Education
Driver Training
Disability Parking Permits
SSI Applications
Naturalization Support/Legal Services
Housing Search Assistance
Social Security Disability Insurance Applications
Food Stamps/SNAP Applications
English as a Second Language
Residential Parking Permits
Offers a limited transitional housing program that helps homeless families achieve self-sufficiency as well as a limited rental assistance program.
Coastal Community Action Program offers a limited transitional housing program that assist homeless families achieve self-sufficiency and a limited rental assistance program.
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Provides Medicaid recipients with behavioral or physical health issues non-tangible person-centered supportive services to connect to and maintain housing.
Provides Medicaid recipients with behavioral or physical health issues non-tangible person-centered supportive services to connect to and maintain housing Supports can include: - Locating housing that fits needs - Assistance with Landlord /Tenant communication.
- Help with logistics of signing a lease
- Basic life skills
- Budgeting
Case/Care Management
Housing Search Assistance
Provides support services for veterans and their families with obtaining documentation of veteran status; eviction prevention; finding housing; security benefits; navigating healthcare; Recovery Coach Program; community referrals; hygiene packs; and emergency services, such as gas or motel vouchers, license renewals, and prescription expenses.
Provides support services for veterans and their families in the Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Kittitas, and Okanogan Counties. Services include rapid rehousing; homelessness prevention; and support in obtaining benefits, such as counseling, employment and training, educational assistance, and health care services.
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Gas Money
Rental Deposit Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Rent Payment Assistance
Individual Advocacy
Veteran Life Insurance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Driver License Fee Payment Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Case/Care Management
Provides various housing programs for families and individuals to assist with things like affordable housing, eviction prevention, emergency shelter, housing support, homelessness diversion, and more.
Provides various housing programs for families and individuals to assist with things like affordable housing, eviction prevention, emergency shelter, housing support, homelessness diversion, and more.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rent Payment Assistance
Homeless Diversion Programs
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Community Shelters
Rental Deposit Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Housing Search Assistance
Provides stabilization assistance for single-parent families and pregnant women in imminent danger of becoming homeless. Provides rent assistance, employment services and housing case management.
Provides housing stabilization assistance for single-parent families and pregnant women who are in imminent danger of becoming homeless and who live in Maple Valley and cities within a nine-mile radius.
Provides the following services as the family grows to stability:
- Rent assistance
- Housing case management
- Employment services
- Financial budgeting
- Life skills classes
- Child and youth case management
- Counseling
Rent Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Personal Financial Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Housing Search Assistance