Focus Population
Age Group
1-25 of 462
Provides pregnancy and parenting related care coordination and support, including home visits, to pregnant people on Medicaid as well as to first time parents. Also provides assistance and guidance to parents of children with complex medical needs.
Offer pregnancy, post-pregnancy, breast/chestfeeding, and parenting services at public health centers across King County. Not all services offered at all locations.
Maternity Support Services and Infant Case Management (Part of First Steps):
Helps people have healthy pregnancies, recover from pregnancy, coordinates support until the baby is two months old, and provides breast/chestfeeding support by:
- Health education and counseling.
- Regular visits in the clinic, by phone or video, or in the client’s home or community setting.
- Support beyond the doctor or midwife, including nurses, nutritionists, social workers and community health workers.
- Referrals to OB care, WIC, health insurance and other community resources.
Infant Case Management (Part of First Steps):
- Provides support and guidance from the time the baby is 2-3 months old through baby’s first birthday (for those who qualify).
- Helps clients become self-sufficient in gaining access to medical, social, educational and other services they might need.
Nurse Family Partnership:
- Partners pregnant people with registered nurses from pregnancy through their child’s 2nd birthday
- Delivers the support first-time parents need to have a healthy pregnancy, become knowledgeable and responsible parents, and provide their babies with the best possible start in life.
Children with Special Health Care Needs:
Public health nurses provide care coordination services through home or community visits or on the telephone. Services include:
- Developmental screenings and assessments
- Help with concerns such as feeding, nutrition, growth, development and behavior.
- Help developing and maintaining a network of services and providers.
Family Ways:
-Provides culturally relevant peer support for three community groups: Native American/Alaska Native, Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian families, and U.S. born Black/African American families from pregnancy through age 5.
-Supports clients with pregnancy, parenting, community-connections and resource navigation
-Registered dietician, Social Worker, and Public Health Nurse available for consultation and coaching
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Public Health Nursing
Case/Care Management
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Public Access Computers/Tools
On the Job Training
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Banks
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Special Needs Job Development
Job Search/Placement
WIOA Programs
Career Counseling
Work Experience
Business Assistance Centers
Professional Skills Development Support
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Job Corps
Prejob Guidance
Veteran Employment Programs
Case/Care Management
Provides case management, emergency assistance for food, rent, utilities & other emergency needs for Mercer Island residents. Also provides an onsite food pantry for those enrolled. No drop-in services.
Provides case management and emergency assistance with basic needs such as rent and utilities (water, gas, electric and sewer).
Food Security support is available Mercer Island residents.
Water Service Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Mobile Food Pantry Programs
Case/Care Management
Provides community-based outreach, intake, assessment, and connection to services and, as appropriate, long-term intensive case management and treatment and recovery support services. Serves adults and youth with substance use disorders.
Statewide program provides community-based outreach, intake, assessment, and connection to services and, as appropriate, long-term intensive case management and recovery coaching services. Recovery Navigator staff facilitate and coordinate connections to a broad range of community resources for youth and adults, including treatment and recovery support services.
Substance Use Disorder Peer Recovery Coach Services
Case/Care Management
Provide direct, local services to victims of domestic violence, connecting survivors and families with the resources they need and breaking the cycle of violence.
Provide direct, local services to victims of domestic violence, connecting survivors and families with the resources they need and breaking the cycle of violence. Works with individuals to develop an action plan to address their needs, offer advocacy-based counseling, and connect clients to appropriate resources to address their immediate crisis. Trained advocates support survivors with plans to stay safe in their current and future environment and connects survivors with resources that help them gain stability and well-being, including referrals.
Case/Care Management
Individual Advocacy
Case/Care Management Referrals
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Provides programs to support and educate pregnant Latina women and mothers of children up to age 2 living in Seattle and South King County. Includes a center-based case management program as well as home visiting programs.
Offers programs to support and educate pregnant women and mothers of children up to 2 years of age. Programs include:
Bebes! HOPE (Healthy Outcomes, Prevention and Education):
A center-based case management program offering support, referral and resources
Bebes! BSK (Best Start for Kids):
A home visiting program twice a month, resources, referral and support for pregnant women and parents with children up to two years of age
ParentChild+ Program:
A home visiting program with 30 minute visits twice a week, helps prepare children for school, supports parents and offers free books and toys to enhance learning for children 18-30 months;
Growing and Learning Together (PAT):
A twice a month home visiting program for pregnant women or with infants and toddlers, not attending a child development center. Includes educational workshops and at home visits for individualized help.
Case/Care Management
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Rental Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
TANF Applications
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Electric Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
State Disability Insurance Applications
Offers comprehensive primary care, case management and chore services for those ages 55 years and older, along with a day health center and provision of durable medical equipment.
Provides acute, primary, specialty, chronic and long-term health care for older adults.
Offers a day health center with a recreational therapy program and lunch.
Also provides intensive case management and social support.
Other services include:
- Provision of durable medical equipment
- Personal care
- Chore services for people living at home
- Placements in assisted living and adult family homes
Also offers dental care, optometry, audiology and other medical specialists.
As an alternative to nursing home care, the program serves individuals who are residing in the community and those who desire to return to community living.
Program is based on the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) care model.
Transportation is provided for adult day health services and all medical appointments.
PACE Programs
Personal Care
Geriatric Medicine
General Dentistry
Physical Therapy
Case/Care Management
Adult Day Health Programs
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
TANF Applications
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Gas Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Case/Care Management
Water Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Case/Care Management
TANF Applications
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Case/Care Management
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Childbirth Education
Prenatal Care
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
TANF Applications
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
State Disability Insurance Applications
Provides services in the home, clinic, hospital, or community. Services include nursing, nutrition, counseling and unlimited basic needs, resources (housing, diapers, financial, medical, baby items, food & clothing).
Program designed to help pregnant women receive the medical and social services they may need.
All pregnant women covered under Medicaid (WA Apple Health) are eligible for services.
Offers a team that helps advise and support mothers through their pregnancy. Team includes a:
- Registered Nurse
- Nutritionist
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Community Health Worker
- an Infant Case Manager.
Services are provided wherever convenient for participants whether that be in home, clinic or in the community.
Services may include, but are not limited to:
- free pregnancy testing
- assistance in obtaining early and regular medical care
- assistance in applying for Medicaid Medical Insurance/Apple Health
- nursing information and education about pregnancy, labor and delivery
- diet and nutrition counseling
- information and education about baby care and parenting skills
- assistance in accessing dental and vision care
- childbirth education classes
- care seat safety and car seats
- family planning services
- assistance in obtaining paternity information
- assistance with housing
- transportation to all medical and dental appointments
- substance abuse counseling
- lactation, breastfeeding support and breast pumps
- free crib program
- perinatal, prenatal and postpartum anxiety/depression support and counseling.
Case/Care Management
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Offers disability compensation claim paperwork assistance, VA paperwork requesting, preparation and presentation of VA claims, VA health care referral, and assists with application to the Veteran's Assistance Fund.
Offers VA Disability and Pension application preparation, VA Burial benefits assistance, VA Health Care applications and assistance, and Chelan County Veterans Assistance Fund applications, along with all other issues related to Veterans and their families.
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Life Insurance
Legal Representation
Case/Care Management
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Individual Advocacy
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Offers case management for victims of all forms of human trafficking.
Offers case management for victims of all forms of human trafficking.
Services can include the following:
- Housing support
- Legal assistance
- Health assistance
and more.
Case/Care Management
Human Trafficking Hotlines
Provides support and information to pregnant women who are also on or eligible for Apple Health (Medicaid). Nurses, social workers, and community health workers support expectant mothers before birth and for two months after birth.
Provides support and information to pregnant women who are also on or eligible for Apple Health (Medicaid).
Nurses, social workers, and community health workers support expectant mothers before birth and for two months after the birth of the child.
Services are all covered by Medicaid, and may include supports like:
- prenatal and postpartum education groups
- breastfeeding groups
- Doula services
- transportation assistance during the pregnancy
- Hospital tours
- Behavioral Health or Chemical Dependency Services
- Dental Care and
- enrolling in WIC.
May also provide information on Safe Sleep and access to cribs.
Depending on the needs on the needs of the family, they may also receive Infant Case Management which provides support and guidance until the baby is one-year old.
Purpose of the program is to help women have a health pregnancy outcome.
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Case/Care Management
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Case/Care Management
Gas Service Payment Assistance
TANF Applications
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Water Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Assists qualified veterans with VA Benefits applications and helps access the Veterans Relief Fund. Other services include survivors' benefits, rehabilitation and employment assistance, education assistance, and life insurance coverage.
Assists qualified veterans with VA Benefits applications and helps access the Veterans Relief Fund. Other services include survivors' benefits, rehabilitation and employment assistance, education assistance, and life insurance coverage.
Rental Deposit Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Case/Care Management
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for children, youth and families with complex needs, including developmental disabilities.
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for youth with complex needs and their families.
Looks for community-based options to support multi-system-involved children and youth.
Staff members trained in team facilitation meet with a family, listen to their story, help the youth build a team of natural and formal supports, and guide this team through the wraparound process.
Team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (such as counselors, schools, Child Protective Services and probation officers).
Case/Care Management
Child Guidance
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Offers program that offers support and connections to services.
The Lifeline program serves as a no-wrong-door access point for support and connection to services for youth and young adults in Washington who require assistance to overcome a life challenge that could escalate into a crisis if not addressed. If you are exiting a system of care, we can help meet your immediate needs through resource navigation and the distribution of program funding for food, shelter, transportation, and more.
Food Vouchers
Case/Care Management
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Bus Fare
Connects children and youth ages 8-26, with a young adult who has lived experience navigating systems of care to achieve and maintain recovery and access support.
Connects youth and young adults with a peer who has lived experience navigating systems of care to achieve and maintain recovery and resilience.
Youth Peers support youth and young adults with behavioral, emotional, mental health or substance use disorder challenges at home, school or in the community by providing guidance, resources, a listening ear and a helping hand.
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Age Peer Networking
Case/Care Management
Peer Counseling
Medicaid program provides assistance, case management, and assessment to seniors and adults with disabilities to access specific long term care plans
Medicaid program provides assistance, case management, and assessment to seniors and adults with disabilities to access specific long term care plans including in-home services, adult family homes, assisted living, nursing home placements, and respite care programs for family members, guardians and caregivers of dependent adults.
Case/Care Management
Adult In Home Respite Care
Nursing Facility Referrals
Geriatric Assessment
Personal Care
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Medicaid Planning
Provides obstetrics and additional supports to help low-income women on Medicaid have a healthy pregnancy and until baby turns 1 year old. May include case management, nutritional counseling, home visits and help applying for health insurance.
Provides obstetrics and additional supports to help low-income women have a healthy pregnancy and until baby turns 1 year old. Includes
- Individualized visits at the clinic
- Home visits postpartum for health checks as well as information about feeding, bathing, newborn care and behavior and breastfeeding support.
- Additional home visits for special concerns
- Visits with nutritionist, social workers, community health workers
- Referrals to WIC, health insurance and other services
Prenatal Care
Case/Care Management
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
State Disability Insurance Applications
TANF Applications
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
Rental Deposit Assistance
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Provides financial assistance programs to low-income families, immigrants and refugees, pregnant women, and people who are aged, blind or disabled. Programs include TANF/WorkFirst, AREN, Diversion Cash Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance and ABD.
Provides financial assistance to Washington residents in need who meet eligibility requirements.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WorkFirst):
- Provides monthly cash grants and medical assistance to eligible low-income families with minor children in the home.
- Applicants attend a WorkFirst orientation and eligibility interview.
- Pregnant and parenting minors may be eligible for TANF benefits if they meet additional eligibility requirements, as determined by a DSHS social worker.
- Adults may also be eligible for WorkFirst support, which will pay for items clients must have in order to look for work, prepare for work or accept a better job.
- Assistance may include transportation, car repairs, interview and work clothes, licenses and tools and equipment.
- Assistance will be provided via vouchers or pre-paid merchant cards.
Aged Blind and Disabled (ABD):
- Provides financial assistance for people with a long-term or permanent disability, or who are blind, or who are age 65 or older and meet income and resource requirements.
Emergency Assistance:
- TANF, Workfirst, SFA and RCA clients may apply for supplemental financial assistance when faced with an emergency caused by circumstances out of their control.
- Funding may be approved for rent (EVICTION NOTICES); electric, gas, heating fuel, water/sewer or telephone utility shut-off notices; or deposit move-in costs for homeless individuals and families.
- Includes Additional Requirements for Emergent Needs (AREN). AREN payments may be made up to a maximum of $750 in a 12-month period.
- Also includes WorkFirst support services, which helps with rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, moving costs, all housing-related fees, hookup fees, refundable and non-refundable deposits, and temporary housing for households participating in WorkFirst. Up to $5,000 is available in a 12-month period.
Pregnant Women's Assistance:
- Provides financial assistance for pregnant women who are not eligible for TANF but meet TANF income and resource requirements.
Diversion Cash Assistance (DCA):
- Provides a cash grant program designed to prevent households with children from having to enroll in public assistance, by assisting with living expenses for needs such as:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Child care
- Food and employment-related expenses.
Clients may be referred to DSHS non-cash programs such as food stamps.
Staff may also refer to other social service programs including domestic violence services, clothing banks, food pantries, etc.
Housing and Essential Needs (HEN):
- Provides housing and essential needs vouchers for adults who have a shorter-term disability and meet income and resource requirements.
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA):
- Cash assistance is available to refugees with no minor children for the first eight months after their arrival.
- Refugees with minor children are likely eligible for TANF.
State Family Assistance:
- Cash assistance program established for legal immigrants with dependent children who are ineligible for TANF because of immigrant status.
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
State Disability Insurance Applications
Rent Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
TANF Appeals/Complaints
Electric Service Payment Assistance
TANF Applications
Water Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance